Sunday, October 22, 2006

Mt. Halla - Hallasan

Nam Cheju-gun Cheju-Do, South Korea

Mt. Baekdu, with Mt. Kyumgang together 3 our country it is mountains one which is famous and Mt. Kyumgang, with Mt. Chiri the mountain where the hand it is counted together with me of low of three god mountain. At sea level 1,950m it is highest from South Korea.

Halla the name which is will catch the galaxy possibility of sky and that as it will be stimulated it is high, about under it attaches and as the position name does. three as me of low of gods mountains about under Yeongju Mt., that about the plaque there is a normality roundly, about under as as many as Doomuak soaked.

Mt. Halla with the dormant volcano to the normality at the time of volcano explosion the crater Baekrokdam which originates is remaining. To Baekrokdam the old days supernatural being raises the deer and tradition electrolysis to come it comes. To Baekrokdam circumferences it will be big and the kip adventive cone will reach and about 360 the place where there is B from the place 'as [i] it calls.
Difficulty Daelim, the temperate forest, the arctic regions rim all is ranging with the place where the vertical distribution of the plant is most various from our country. Specially Goryeo time (there is a 2nd original intention price which is prepared to an ancient Korean state) Mongolian occupied flags and the end runs and it is a place which is the possibility directness of seeing the spectacle which it divides, it does. It follows in altitude and like the plant which is various ranging Halla Mt. climate is various. The weather which is beautiful it must go until the normality and it must prepare it does and the close cloth and the climbing accident often happens with serious climate change.

Mt. Halla the field of fire all is beautiful but the snow scene 'only the stipendiary wall around Cheju ten is counting an opinion ' among the rest specially beautifully with low me. Only the stipendiary wall opinion Iran Baekrokdam with the clear water the eye which harmonizes it means Mt. Halla magnificent views. The rocks which from the normality to southwest accomplish to possibility hundred in 3km distances like the folding screen is Youngsilkiam where it stands in circle. That this as well the general or with non at it is same with me under Cheju ten respects, about under five butcher armies or as five hundred Buddhist disciples soak. Mt. Halla was designated at 1970 March 24th national park.

Rises with the normality from eorimok and Youngsil with mountain-climbing and the course, Seongpanak rest areas and the some which rises from Gwanum temple there is a long course.

Chiri Mt. - Jirisan

Sicheon-myun Sancheong-gun Kyongsang-Namdo, South Korea

It is a week peak and of Chiri Mt., it builds in Cheonwang-bong where it is a phrase which is recorded in position binding three. Chiri Mt. like this is not in a possibility outside which it will talk abstractively. ' It is like this mountain and it is vain one to talk with a single word '. Is not the possibility of knowing an end, only 'with width of the mother it is same because the possibility of knowing a depth is not ' only the expression is only will be possible.

Height 1,915m. It excepts, Hanra when mountains it is highest from South Korea. From Cheonwang peaks until west end Nogodan 100ri (42km) it accomplishes with the brother-in-law and under me the mountain the flag compared to is large for with that one elf. Kyeongnam and Jeonnam, Jeonbuk 3 do 1 si and 4 gun younger it is in our country national park 1st Hu.

Shinra it is 5 malicious one and kyumgang mountains, hanra mountains obstetrical joining in freshness descend and they live and baekdu mountains to be praised with low me of three shoes mountains together with Korean 4 special products and kyumgang mountains, myohyang obstetrics they are being counted. Jiri also the name to be various (three when the person stays, with wisdom comes to be different with the fortune person intention), jiri (The fortune shoe size step flesh opens an illegal generosity with wisdom and from the place Iran place where it guides a second birth origin), two type (Paek Tu Mt. flows and with it stops and intention or our language all over to change it becomes), the head priest (One of three shoes mountains), rebellion or it opposed the dissatisfied (chosun taejo Lee seong-gae dog windows intention), the jeokgu (It comes out from the competence unit of palchi mountains) it comes to soak it did with the mountain back.

Cheonwang-bong, banya-bong (1,752m), nogodan (1,507m) begins 3 week peaks and the peaks which go over a above sea level 1,500m are dense. The important ridge external Edo ridge which from cheonwang-bong is joined together with nogodan about 10 reaches to. piagol, baemsagol, chilseon and hansin backs are counted with 4 valleys.

The numerous plant, the medical plant is growing spontaneously and the virgin forest which is dense is coming to open and is becoming the paradise of the animals. The plant 800 kinds and the animal are become known that it is 400 kinds and the thought of home deer and the half moon breast bear, it is a cloth from of the otter back natural monument, they do. The zero mountain (to) answers hwaeum temple, ssanggae temple and silsang temple back pedigrees also the deep paragraph and the national treasure and treasure back cultural property are remaining plentifully. Specially at around jiri mountains 10 it selects the place which accomplishes the magnificent view from jiri mountains, nogo fortunes it does and , piagol autumnal tints and anti- Oh! sunset, island position type, wall divine calling month (month), around bulil waterfall, seseok royal azalea and the junior line, thousand king overflows (days), they are chilseon valley backs.

Every year to the people who seeks Chiri Mt. national park and Chiri Mt. reaches to possibility hundred ten thousand people and about mountain-climbing course ten thousand 50 it reaches.


Joong-Gu Seoul, South Korea

Namsan is the lungs of the Seoul city center. It is located to the downtown and it sits and is imbrued and the air which it purifies it gives and the concrete forest it is dreary to take role. Also the close relatives to open the sufficient breast in the citizen and the zoom provide the rest wife is of course.

Namsan is symbol of Seoul percentage Seoul tower and the zoo and the botanical garden, the National Library back the facility which is various step. With Namsan belt highways well it is maintained even with walk and it is a mountain where it is counted at the place of interest of family outing and dating. The normal observation platform is visible range of vision about the until Incheon offing which when are a clear day.

The cable car other also it is good to overlook Namsan all sides and the Seoul city.

Sorak mountain

Inje-gun Kangwon-Do, South Korea

The name which is Sorak like that they are snow mountains. 1 years the middle minimum five months attach that the tongue it is with snow, about under and as the position name does. Hundred two it arrives on time in the stem at the high mountain to keep 7,000 peaks and with Kum Gang Mt. of 1 ten thousand 2,000 thousand seals it is a mountain where it is always compared, it does.

The dinosaur ridge which splits the week sealing main floored room seal and the Sorak mountain to north and south in the center Sokcho-si east and Koseong-gun and Yangyang-gun regions it divides external Sorak and Inche-gun regions the west with inside Sorak. The external Sorak area inclination is precipitous the curious rock precipice is likened many frequently in the male and inside Sorak the comparison mountain tax gentle and the beautiful valley is likened does many in the woman.

To external Sorak it begins thousand non winter musics and Wasundae, Bisundae and Kumgang oysters, Guimyunam, Yangpok and Oryun waterfalls and Madeungryeong, cheonhwadae and sorakgol backs are famous. To the boundary gate which enters with external Sorak from Sokcho there is Sinhung company which is a Shilla periodic investigation and Biryong waterfalls, Towangseong waterfalls and Gweongyum-sung, Dalma-bong, ulsanam and hyundle rock back beautiful places are dense with Sorak eastern smallness park circumference. External Sorak is being contiguous sokcho-si and the people of the most which seeks the Sorak mountain goes only this place report.
The center of inside Sorak is Baekdam valleys. Baekdam valleys are the valley where Suryeomdong valley, Gayadong valley, Gugokdam valley, Baekundong valley and water course wild most of Sorak inside Guitaegicheong-gol and Daesung-gol back gather. To the upper piece of hundred wall valleys Bongjeongam where from in the Korean small Buddhist temple it is located in the highest place there is Baekdamsa where it burns a penalty of popularity with the evacuation wife of former president and above Daecheongbong that to the near place there is. From inside Sorak jade from near limit the valley region which reaches the disadvantageous flag does with Sorak inside south.

To this place Guitaegicheong-bong and Gari-bong backs there is a high mountain and Bakyeon waterfalls of individuality and Guryong waterfalls of Kyumgang mountains there are Daeseung waterfalls which are counted with with our country 3 waterfalls. The gun of Daeseung waterfalls with 88m where it raises it is highest from our country.

To the Sorak mountain the numerous climbing course is developed and the rock wall seeks professional mountain humanity many frequently. Sightseeing course and sightseeing route there is a B well and all season stream of people is not cut.